UCLA Space Inventory Services maintains a comprehensive database on physical space occupied by UCLA departments, including off campus and residential facilities. The office also maintains a library of building floor plans in PDF and AutoCAD formats. Space data that is reported each fall to the UC Office of the President becomes UCLA's official Space Inventory for the year.
Summary information about properties and buildings are available on the Space Inventory website. This website is designed to allow users to easily view information and graphics about UCLA's owned & leased buildings. Campus users with appropriate security may access room level detail, floor plans and various types of reports.
Space Inventory Service's database covers

34 million
gross square feet of space

on and off campus buildings

In 2020...
- Processed 3,009 requests
- Edited 37,813 rooms
Contact Information
Space Inventory Services
Facilities Management Building, Suite 3170
731 Charles E. Young Drive South
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1526
Mail Code: 152608