When the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945, six Gingko trees were among the few living things to survive within a short radius of the blast site—and they're still standing today. Thus, the Japanese regard the Gingko tree as “the bearer of hope.” It is also known as “the survivor” and “the living fossil”. The UCLA Botanical Gardens is honored to have a descendant from the small cluster of surviving trees.
The plaque for the Ginkgo sign on display in the UCLA Botanical Gardens was starting to deteriorate and was in need of refinishing due to continuous exposure to the elements. With the help of the Sign & Paint Shops, the plaque was temporary removed for restoration. The extremely skilled crafts employees of the two shops were able to bring the plaque back to its original luster. The talented staff included Mynor Peralta and Jehoshua Sandoval. The new finish used on the plaque should last for many years to come!
